Saint Viator High School condemns in every respect the abhorrent attack on the United States Capitol and our democratic process yesterday. The behavior of the individuals who so brazenly attacked a leading institution, both physical and metaphorical, of our country must be explicitly rejected by all in the name of freedom, equality, and justice. Further, we call upon elected officials who have nurtured and supported this behavior to step forward to denounce the behavior and take specific action to ensure it is never repeated in this country.
Saint Viator High School commits to the highest standards of integrity, effort, and behavior to best serve students, families, and society. We welcome robust dialogue on social, economic, and political topics, and pledge to respect views different than ours. We do not, however, support violence or behavior that challenges the foundation of this country and the civil democracy we have forged for over 240 years.
In Ephesians 6:4 we are told, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” The leaders of the Catholic community around the world including Archbishop José Gomez, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, condemned the violence, saying in a statement, “This is not who we are as Americans. The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of this great nation. In this troubling moment, we must recommit ourselves to the values and principles of our democracy and come together as one nation under God.”
We ask all members of the Saint Viator community to address this situation in open dialogue with family, friends, and colleagues, seeking understanding and healing, and to clearly take a stand against this behavior. We further call on our community to contact elected officials directly and voice concern about the lack of leadership and civility in how business is conducted in all branches of our government and demand corrective action.
Finally, we encourage our students, the future of our society, to learn from this experience in the context of the history of our country, to accept the mantle of leadership, and to commit themselves to restoring us to the “more perfect union” we were founded as.
As we move forward let us remember the words from 2 Corinthians 13:11, “Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”