Br. John Avellaneda, C.S.V., helps out when needed in Campus Ministry, and he plans to attend the Kairos retreat next month. Last week, he took a deeper dive into daily life at Saint Viator when he stepped in to be a substitute teacher in Spanish.
“For me, the chance to be a teacher, both in Colombia and here in the United States, is fantastic,” Br. Avellaneda says. “Though the students are from different worlds, they are located in the same space, the classroom.”
Br. Avellaneda is teaching three sections of Spanish, including Spanish I, Spanish 2, and Spanish 3 honors classes, for three weeks this month. While Saint Viator has maintained a close relationship with Viatorians in Colombia, administrators believe Br. Avellaneda is believed to be the first Viatorian from Colombia to teach in the classroom.
Ironically, Br. Avellaneda is working in the school at the same time as an exchange student from Colegio San Viator in Tunja, Colombia — where Br. Avellaneda had been a teacher and administrator — is attending Saint Viator.
Br. Avellaneda brings not only his experience in teaching to the classroom but also his recent master’s degree in pedagogy from the University of Santo Tomas in Tunja.
Currently, Br. Avellaneda is taking some theology courses at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago with an eye toward ordination. Consequently, on the one day a week he is in class at CTU, another Viatorian steps in for him: Fr. John Eustice, C.S.V., who is fluent in Spanish and already works in the building, directing Campus Ministry.
"I think it's neat that the kids get to see a young Viatorian brother in the classroom," Fr. Eustice says. "He brings the Viatorian charism from another continent, and the kids get to see that it's not that different."
Mr. Kurt Paprocki teaches in the classroom next to Br. John and is impressed so far with his ability to step right in.
"I've heard lots of laughter coming from his classroom, which tells me that he and his students are comfortable with the change so far," Mr. Paprocki says. "We're just delighted that he's accepted this role. It shows how adaptable and willing he is to be a part of our team."